"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"


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Hey there, I'm Rach :) This is my blog, so be be nice or leave, thankyou! If you want to get to know me, don't hesitate to ask, I won't bite.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Laughing, crying, screaming, smiling.

Here's a few things you might want to know about me.

First, I'm a big reader. I LOVE to read. Years ago my mum took me to a library for the billionth time, and I finally borrowed something. It was just an ordinary book, young adult, attractive cover, but I chose it. And I read it, and liked it.

From then on, I borrowed about five books a week and soon from then, the amount doubled to ten books a week. The best thing of all, I discovered something I enjoyed, something shameless and productive. I just love the way I can imagine the scene in my very own mind. I love the way I can just escape to another world, be someone else and experience different things, all from a little novel. Laughing, crying, screaming, smiling, dreaming. All from a book.

Now, 2010, my variety has expanded, I enjoy mostly sci-fi and fantasy right now, and I've even discovered I love writing my own novels. Of course I havent finished one, but I'll get there, don't worry.

Secondly, I'm a big fan of Alice in Wonderland. To be honest, I didnt use to love it this much, but it's always been one of my favourite story books, and I guess Tim Burton's movie has reeled me in. I think it was the creativness that attracted me to it. I mean, falling down a rabbit hole? a mad tea party? a grinning cat? Who else would have thought of it? If there's something I love about a story, it's imagination. On the matter of Tim Burton's movie again, I'd also have to say I got all excited when I fount out Johnny Depp was playing The Mad Hatter. Johnny is my hero, no doubt about it.

Anyway, thirdly, well, I'm actually not sure yet. I'm hoping one day I'll find out. Reading and Alice in Wonderland aren't who I am, but I'm hoping this third one I'll realize later on in my life. I'm constantly changing and getting maturer (as I'm only 16 right now) so maybe in one of my later posts I can let you know what the third one is. If there is one, of course... :)

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